Interactive Webinar: How To Maximize Your Synoptix Reporting During COVID-19

Given the current economic climate, it’s that much more important you have visibility into your university’s financial health.

This webinar will ensure you maximize your Synoptix benefits with the right reporting to drive your business forward in these times of uncertainty. Join us as we show you, step by step, how to create and enhance your expense reports in order to:
  • Gain immediate visibility into current expenses
  • Identify available funds & best determine where to reallocate
  • Create alerts to pinpoint major changes in areas most likely impacted by COVD-19, both now & for upcoming semesters
  • Leverage Synoptix filters & communication tools to expedite better decisions
  • Best practices for working remote

Interactive Webinar: How To Maximize Your Synoptix Reporting During COVID-19

Date: April 14, 2020 Time: 11:00 AM MT
Covid 19 Financial Reporting Higher Ed

Webinar Packages


  • Interactive access to our senior consultants to answer your specific questions
  • Step by step instructions for how to customize the newly enhanced Synoptix expense report template
  • Insight into which reports are vital as economic conditions change daily
  • Assign the right KPIs for expense & threshold management

Single Attendee
Recorded Webinar Link


  • ALL Silver benefits
  • Newly enhanced expense report template delivered prior to webinar – easy download, instantly editable
  • Template in hand to customize during webinar alongside our expert consultants

Single Attendee
Recorded Webinar Link


  • ALL Gold benefits
  • One hour 1:1 virtual consulting

3 Attendees
Recorded Webinar Link

Know that we want you to succeed and are here to partner with you. We’re all in this together.

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  • Empower your team with real-time visibility into all of your data for the best decisions.
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The Financial Risk of Using Spreadsheets for Reporting
It's costing your organization more than you think.

Download Spreadsheets-The Corporate Secret Killer & What to Do About It to better understand its inherent errors, how to manage quality control & overconfidence, with detailed solutions on improving spreadsheets in financial reporting.

Download The New Report